Sunday, December 27, 2020

4 Must know Home remedies for cuts & burns

 Cuts and burns are common accidents that people face , specially homes where kids are present. Knowing these natural first aid  tips may come in handy.

•In case of emergency burns applying Aloe Vera on the burnt area will instantly cool the skin and reduce the risks of skin swelling and burn marks.

•We can applying Water + Salt  (for minor burns )  if any other treatment is not available.

•For wounds , cuts , and minor burns applying the juice of scratched bark of a Banana tree will heal wound and burns fast . But we should not let water mix with the tree syrup.
This method was used by Soldiers of the Sinhala Army for healing cuts and wounds in the battle field and in forests.

•Further more applying Olive Oil on the burned area will instantly reduce the pain and make the healing process fast.

*All the Remedies are extracted from Ayurveda Books and Documentaries  of Ayurveda Doctors. We do not bare any responsibility for the medicines* 

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